Centre for Non-Violence 

Resources and Media Releases

Federal Budget 2024: Call for Greater Investment in Specialist Front-Line Services

15 May 2024

Last night’s Federal Budget announcement has failed to address the urgent need for increased and ongoing investment in the family violence prevention and response services sector.

Right across the sector we are working at, or beyond capacity. Our dedicated, specialist staff are working tirelessly to support families in our region to live a life free from family violence.

Read our Full Statement Here

The Time to End Men’s Violence Against Women is Now

30 April 2024

2024 is proving to be another deadly year for women in Australia. The Centre for Non-Violence and ARC Justice are calling for an end to men’s violence against women, children and diverse communities. 

Read the joint statement here.

A Call for an Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire in Gaza

16 December 2023

The Centre for Non-Violence calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. As a not-for-profit organisation working in family violence prevention and crisis support, we hold grave concerns for the safety and wellbeing of all Palestinians in Gaza, and especially for the women and children and diverse communities.

Read our public statement here.

Community Vigil to Honour all Victims of Family and Gender-based Violence

1 November 2023

As not-for-profit organisations working in the Greater Bendigo area, we are deeply saddened to learn of the tragic passing of one of our community members, Logee (Analyn) Osias. We are asking the Bendigo community to join us for a community vigil to honour Logee Osias and all women and children who have lost their lives this year as a result of gendered violence.

Read the joint statement here.

Submission to National Plan to End Homelessness

October 2023

The Centre for Non-Violence is deeply concerned with the ongoing, and far-reaching impacts that a lack of affordable and safe housing is having on communities, including the impacts on our staff when trying to support families seeking a life free from violence.

Read the submission here.

Open letter in support of equality and justice

September 26, 2023

CNV CEO Margaret Augerinos has joined with the CEOs of five other Central Victorian organisations to pen a letter in regard to the upcoming referendum. The letter speaks to our collective concerns around some of the current narratives taking place, and the opportunity which the referendum presents to heal some of the harm that First Nation peoples have endured as a result of colonisation and systemic racism.

Read the letter here.

Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Worsening Rental Crisis in Australia

August 7, 2023

On 4 August, CNV contributed to the Inquiry on the worsening rental crisis in Australia. In our submission, we highlighted the experiences of those seeking safety and wellbeing from family violence and the impacts that the housing crisis has on our clients in decision-making around their journey from family violence.

Read our submission here.

You Are Not Alone research project calls for service users to participate in focus group

July 20, 2023

CNV has partnered with La Trobe University to conduct a research project about the lived experience of delivering and receiving services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read our public statement here.

CNV's Response to Federal Government's Family Law Amendment Bill Proposal

March 8, 2023

The Centre for Non-Violence welcomes proposed amendments to the Family Law Amendment Bill 2023, which aims to better recognise and respond to the impacts of family violence. 

Read our public statement here.

CNV Responds to Announcement of the Termination of the retrial against Bruce Lerhmann 

December 6, 2022

The Centre for Non-Violence renews calls for action for ongoing law reform to ensure perpetrators are held to account and remain in view, while maintaining victim survivor safety and justice in reporting their experiences.

Read our public statement here.

Building the Evidence Base on Perpetrator Program Attrition & Engagement Strategies 

September 8, 2022

CNV will play a key role in a research project examining perpetrator engagement in, and disengagement from, intervention programs.

Read our media release here.

SHEBA Project | Research Grants Announced 

August 23, 2022

Family Safety Victoria has announced research grants for multiple projects within the Family Violence Research Program 2021 - 2024.

Read our media release here.

Trans Day Visibility Statement

CNV confirms its commitment to transgender, diverse and non-binary communities.

Read more about our commitment statement here.

CNV Response to Federal Budget 2022

Whilst there were some positive announcements in the Federal Budget, frontline services need additional critical funding to meet service demand.

Read more about our response to the Federal Budget here.

Crime Statistics - March 2022 - More to be done

Recently released crime statistics show family violence reports have dropped slightly across the state.  Going against the trend, the City of Greater Bendigo and Shire of Campaspe areas showed increases in reports.

Read more about the crime statistics here.

CNV wins VicHealth Excellence in Health Promotion Award

CNV is the proud recipient of the VicHealth Excellence in Health Promotion Marketing Awards for the You Are Not Alone campaign. These awards recognise the incredible contribution that organisations and individuals make to create happier and healthier communities across Victoria, particularly in these challenging times.  CNV developed and created the You Are Not Alone campaign, during Covid-19 lockdowns to ensure that women and children experiencing violence and abuse knew services and supports were available to them.

Read more about the Award and our response here.

March 4 Justice 2 - Loddon Consortium Statement - 23 February, 2022

The Loddon Gender Equality & Violence Prevention Consortium released their statement on March 4 Justice 2.

Religious Discrimination Bill - 10 February

February 10, 2022

The Centre for Non-Violence urges our Federal Parliament to withdraw the Religious Discrimination Bill or agree to significant amendments to protect rights that are currently protected in existing anti-discrimination protections.

Read CNV's Statement here.

CNV Statement - 26 January

January 26, 2022

The Centre for Non-Violence does not believe January 26 is a day for celebration. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, this is a painful day that marks the start of colonisation, dispossession, and suffering.

As a feminist organisation committed to social justice, inclusion, and equality for all, we acknowledge the harm and trauma that celebrating January 26 as Australia Day causes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and to our wider community.

Read CNV's Statement here.

If you see something, do something

December 17, 2021

If you see something, do something.

That's the message from Central Victoria's leading specialist family violence response agency, Centre for Non-Violence, this festive season.

With the number of domestic and family violence reports to police and support services often increasing during the festive season, and significant increases in family violence incidents in the Bendigo, Loddon and Campaspe areas during the past year, CNV is calling on everyone to be mindful of the increased risk to women and children - saying we can all play a part in limiting their risk.

Read the press release here.

Need to do more to address Australia's housing crisis

December 15, 2021

CENTRAL  Victoria's leading specialist family violence response agency, Centre for Non-Violence, is calling for greater community conversation and leadership at all government levels about the country's housing crisis.

CNV staff are reporting the lack of affordable housing is the most significant barrier for women across the Loddon region leaving abusive relationships.

Read the press release here.

16 Days of Activism - Time for Change

November 24, 2021

On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the first of #16DaysOfActivism to end gender-based violence, we today launched the Time for Change exhibition at the Bendigo Library.

The exhibition includes works created by clients of Centre for Non-Violence, Centre Against Sexual Assault Central Victoria and Annie North Women's Refuge.

The works are an illustration of women’s journeys of recovery.

They focus on healing and offer messages of hope to other victim-survivors.

The exhibition also provides a snapshot of a time in history when women took the streets demanding change.

Read our media release here

Crime statistics highlight need for more to be done

September 30, 2021

Central Victoria's leading specialist family violence response agency says a statewide increase in family violence incidents highlights the need for more to be done to prevent violence before it starts.

Read our media release here.

Consortium identifies priority areas for next National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children

July 28, 2021

Community members have worked with the Loddon Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Consortium to identify key areas the region considers priorities for the next National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children.

Read the press release here.

Read the submission and priority areas here.

Thanks isn't enough - we need a fair indexation rate

June 29, 2021

Central Victoria’s leading specialist family violence response agency, Centre for Non-Violence, is joining state-wide calls for an urgent review of proposed Victorian government funding for the next financial year, to ensure we can continue to deliver life-saving services to women and children.

Read our press release here.

CNV welcomes State Budget, but says there is work to do

May 20, 2021

Central Victoria’s leading specialist family violence response agency today welcomes further acknowledgement from the Victorian State Government of the need to continue funding programs and services that address Australia’s crisis of violence against women and children. - but says there is work to do.

Read our press release here.

Calls for greater engagement with sector

April 21, 2021

THE specialist family violence response sector needs long term funding, tailored solutions for regional areas and to have their voices amplified as experts in the prevention of violence against women and children.

That was the message from the chief executive officer of central Victoria’s leading specialist family violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, during a webinar hosted today by the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre and Domestic Violence Victoria – which focused on the theme of COVID-19 One Year Later: A System Under Strain.

Centre for Non-Violence CEO, Margaret Augerinos, joined the panel of experts to reflect on the impacts of Covid19 on specialist family violence services, particularly how the past year has amplified pre-existing challenges for specialist services as a result of core funding deficits and workforce sustainability issues.

Read the full press release here.

Consortium calls for campaign to be pulled

April 21, 2021

The Loddon Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Consortium is calling for a new national campaign aimed at educating young people about consent to be pulled in its entirety until all content is reviewed by sector experts – and teenagers themselves.

The Consortium also wants the content to align with the Our Watch Change the Story framework and the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children, both of which draw on a globally endorsed evidence base.

The Federal Government’s Good Society – Respect Matters Education Resource, launched this week, contains content that is condescending to young people, fails to name the issue it is seeking to address, does not reflect the internationally accepted evidence base around the drivers of sexual and other forms of violence, and largely ignores the fact this is a gendered issue.

Read the full press release here.

Bendigo March 4 Justice

March 5, 2021

Enough is enough. That’s the message from women, everywhere.

They’ve had enough of their voices not being heard. Their stories not being believed.

Their history, silenced. Their calls for action ignored. And they’re angry.

To maintain the rage and send a strong message to our national leaders that enough is enough, the Loddon Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Consortium is supporting the March 4 Justice and coordinating a Bendigo event to coincide with others across the country on March 15.

We are calling on the community to join us in a respectful gathering, to reflect on the experiences of victim survivors of sexual assault and other forms of abuse.  

Read the statement here: 

Join us for the Bendigo March 4 Justice

Criminalisation of coercive control

- Centre for Non-Violence position paper

February 18, 2021

CENTRAL Victoria’s leading specialist family violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, believes Australia is not ready for any change to legislation that has the potential for unintended consequences for women and children, particularly those in marginalised and disadvantaged groups. As Australian states and territories are being asked to criminalise coercive control, CNV encourages all governments considering legislative change to proceed cautiously. 

Changing legislation does not change behaviours.

Read our position paper here: CNV position paper - Criminalisation of Coercive Control

Read our media release here: CNV media release - Criminalisation of Coercive Control 

Don't be a bystander this festive season

December 15, 2020

With the festive season upon us, central Victoria’s specialist domestic and family violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, is calling on everyone to be mindful of the increased risk to women and children at this time of year – and encouraging all of us to play a part in supporting their safety.

Read the media release here:

Don't be a bystander this festive season

16 Days of Activism:

Together our voices are stronger / Walk in my shoes

November 24, 2020

The voices of women and children with lived experience of domestic and family violence and sexual assault are at the centre of an exhibition on display in Bendigo during the 16 Days of Activism to end gender-based violence.

‘Together Our Voices Are Stronger’ is a series of artworks created by women and children who have been clients of specialist family violence response agency, Centre for Non-Violence, and crisis refuge and domestic violence service, Annie North.

'Walk In My Shoes’ represents clients who have been working with specialist counselling and support service, Centre Against Sexual Assault Central Victoria.

The exhibition opens today, on the eve of the annual international 16 Days of Activism campaign – which starts on November 25, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.

Read the media release here: 

Together Our Voices Are Stronger

CNV welcomes another access point for people experiencing family violence

October 29, 2020

Central Victoria's leading specialist family violence response service is today pleased to see another door open for people experiencing domestic and family violence to access help.

The new Victorian Government Orange Door safety and support hub builds on and complements the existing service arrangements in the Loddon region, where this is a range of options currently available for people seeking help if they are experiencing abuse.

Read our press release:

CNV welcomes another access point for people experiencing family violence

Important messaging for refugee communities

September 17, 2020

Centre for Non-Violence and Bedigo Community Health Services have created a new partnership to raise awareness of family and domestic violence in refugee communities.
Read our press release:

Important messaging for refugee communities

Download and print out an information sheet in Karen, Dari or Dinka on the different types of domestic and family violence, what you should do if you are experiencing this behaviour and some links to important organisations who can support you, here:

Karen family violence information sheet

Watch the video in Karen here

Dari family violence information sheet

Watch the video in Dari here

Dinka family violence information sheet

Taking steps to raise awareness of family violence

September 3,, 2020

Centre for Non-Violence staff are literally taking steps to raise awareness of family and domestic violence. Six CNV staff are among three central Victorian groups participating in the Run Against Violence - a nationwide event that aims to raise awareness by encouraging teams to run 1300km in 19 days..
Read our press release:

Taking steps to raise awareness of family violence

CNV welcomes funding that helps keep perpetrators in sight

August 17, 2020

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes today's $20 million Victorian Government funding announcement, which will assist organisations to continue working with perpetrators of violence - and keep women and children safe - during the global coronavirus pandemic.
Read our press release:

CNV welcomes funding that helps keep perpetrators in sight

Need to address why more older women are facing insecure housing

August 4, 2020

With women aged over 55 the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness across Australia, Centre for Non-Violence chief executive officer Margaret Augerinos says we must do more to address the reasons why there is an increasing number of older women facing insecure housing.
Read our press release:

Need to address why more older women are facing insecure housing

Risk increasing for women during COVID-19

July 17, 2020

Central Victoria's specialist family and domestic violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, is seeing more women at high risk who require immediate protection, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Women who were previously living in environments with high levels of coercive control are also reporting they are now experiencing physical violence.
Read our press release:

Risk increasing for women during COVID-19

COVID-19 impacts on Men's Behaviour Change waiting lists

July 9, 2020

Central Victoria's specialist family and domestic violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, says increased government funding will be needed to address growing waiting lists for Men's Behaviour Change programs, as a result of COVID-19.
Read our press release:

COVID-19 impacts on Men's Behaviour Change waiting lists

Statement of support for Minister Gabrielle Williams

Words do matter

June 15, 2020

Centre for Non-Violence today sends our support to the Victorian Minister for Women, Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Gabrielle Williams - and stands with her to say, 'words matter'.

The vile, violent and misogynistic language used by a colleague towards Ms Williams is an example of the appalling culture of violence against women that exists in our society.

Verbal abuse and threats are used by men to control and subdue women.

They are a tactic of control that takes away a woman's power and creates fear.
Read our full statement:

Statement of support for Minister Gabrielle Williams - Words do Matter

Steadfast in solidarity #blacklivesmatter

June 4, 2020

We stand in solidarity with all who are shining a light on the entrenched systemic racism and oppression that exists across the globe.

Throughout history, structural racism has denied many their human rights.
The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights says: 'all human beings are born free and equal, in dignity and rights.'
For too long, too many have been denied their right to live freely, with dignity and without fear – because of race or colour.
Read our full statement:

Steadfast in solidarity #blacklivesmatter 

New senate inquiry an opportunity to genuinely listen

May 31, 2020

Central Victoria's leading specialist family violence response service Centre for Non-Violence welcomes the Federal Government's announcement of a new inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence.

Centre for Non-Violence chief executive officer Margaret Augerinos says the new inquiry is an opportunity to explore at systemic level the voices of women and children with lived experience - and to genuinely listen to advocates.

"Specialist women's services and peaks across the country have very clear views about what and how change needs to happen, and we welcome any opportunity to share our experiences and knowledge."

Read the full press release: 

New senate inquiry an opportunity to genuinely listen

Senate inquiry was a missed opportunity

May 20, 2020

Central Victoria’s leading specialist family violence service says a senate committee tasked with examining domestic violence in Australia has missed an opportunity to address how governments can best support, contribute to and drive the social, cultural and behavioural shifts required to eliminate violence against women and their children, as set out in the terms of reference.

The Senate referred an inquiry into domestic violence with particular regard to violence against women and their children to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs References Committee in February, following the deaths of Brisbane mother Hannah Clarke and her three children in February.

The committee was given six months to examine the issue, but this week delivered the report three months ahead of schedule - and without input from the domestic and family violence sector.

Read the full press release: 

Senate inquiry was a missed opportunity

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes COVID-19 funding

May 7, 2020

Centre for Non-Violence today welcomes the Victorian government’s commitment of extra funding to support specialist family violence response services to respond to COVID-19.

Support for victim/survivors of family violence will be further strengthened through additional funding for phone-based and online responses and outreach support.  

The funding will also assist specialist family violence case management services to deliver crisis response, including addressing costs associated with support such as housing and emergency accommodation, transport, personal safety responses, medical costs and material aid.

The funds will also assist Centre for Non-Violence to respond to changes in service delivery as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. 

Read the full press release: 

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes funding to support women and children seeking safety

Centre for Non-Violence says 'you are not alone'

May 4, 2020

Central Victoria’s specialist domestic and family violence response service, Centre for Non-Violence, is concerned by a drop in the number of calls to support services since the outbreak of Covid-19.

CNV chief executive officer Margaret Augerinos says it is always difficult to know the true number of domestic violence victims, but the silence during this global pandemic is telling.

“Because we are being asked to socially distance and remain at home unless it is essential to go out, women have limited opportunities to make calls away from their abuser, or access services,’’ she said.

“We have seen fewer calls, but many of those coming are in the high-risk category – which means women are not in a position to be able to reach out for the help they need until they are in crisis.

“This is not what we want. We want to reach those women before the abuse or violence escalates.”

Centre for Non-Violence will next week start an advertising campaign across television, radio and social media – with the message ‘you are not alone’.  

Read the full press release:

Centre for Non-Violence says 'you are not alone'

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes Operation Ribbon  

April 21, 2020

Central Victoria’s specialist family violence service, Centre for Non-Violence, welcomes today’s commitment by Victoria Police to actively check in on those at high risk of family violence. 

 Victoria Police has announced Operation Ribbon, which will see specialist Family Violence Investigation Units across the state contact those assessed as being at high risk of further family violence. 

 Police will also be conducting compliance checks with perpetrators. 

 Centre for Non Violence chief executive officer, Margaret Augerinos, says Operation Ribbon is a positive and proactive step by Victoria Police, in ‘ensuring they’re keeping an eye on some of the most high-risk cases’. 

Read the full press release:

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes Operation Ribbon

Find us on social media 



Information booklets

Centre for Non-Violence has a range of information brochures about who we are and what we do.

What is family and domestic violence?

Centre for Non-Violence - what we do.

What is a Men's Behaviour Change program?

How to make a complaint or offer a compliment

Rights and Responsibilities

MARAM Collaborative Practice training - Loddon region

The MARAM Collaborative Practice (MCP) training focuses on both collaborative practice and foundational aspects of MARAM that enable collaboration. The training enables practioners to contribute to risk assessment and collaborate for ongoing risk management through respectful and sensitive engagement with victim survivors, information sharing, referral and secondary consultation.  

The training is open to practitioners who respond to family violence in the Loddon region. It is also useful for team leaders and managers who are responsible for embedding MARAM within organisations and through external partnerships.

Register to attend an online session via Humanitix or contact the Training team at training@cnv.org.au or 03 5430 3000 for more information.

Loddon Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Consortium submission to the next National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Children, July 2021

The Consortium has identified priority areas for the loddon region. 

Here's where you can read our submission.

Loddon Gender Equality and Violence Prevention Consortium submission Monitoring the Family Violence Reforms, July 2020

The Consortium has made a number of recommendations to the Victorian Family Violence Reforms Implementation Monitor. 

Here’s where you can read our Monitoring the Family Violence Reforms submission.

COVID-19 resources


If your client can’t contact us, but they’re in contact with you, we can support you to work with them. 

Here’s how we can help:.

COVID-19 Advice for practitioners

Centre for Non-Violence practitioner waiting room flyer

You are not alone campaign

Centre for Non-Violence Covid-19 campaign

CNV You are not alone campaign - Facebook slides

CNV You are not alone campaign - Instagram slides

CNV You are not alone campaign - Twitter slides

CNV You are not alone campaign - Videos


December 22, 2020

"While many families will be under pressure this festive season, violence is a choice, and we can all make a choice not to use violence against the people we love or care about"

Read more, here:

 Family violence response services prepare for even busier festive season

November 25 - December 10, 2020

International Women's Day and the 16 Days of Activism

 Bendigo family violence survivors show lived experience through 16 Days of Activism exhibition

 What central Victorian experts want you to know about family violence, sexual assault

Echuca family violence survivors brace for unhappy Christmas

November 20, 2020

"Neither should come at the expense of the other"

We need to build momentum and capability to understand the drivers of violence - which is intergenerational work that requires sustained investment.

Read more by Nicole Ferrie, in Parity Magazine:  Grassroots and Advocacy: Acknowledging the Impact and Imprint of Specialist Women’s Services

October 29, 2020

"We are busier than ever"

The Orange Door opens in Bendigo, as demand increases during Covid-19.

Read more in local media, here:  

Bendigo's Orange Door family violence safety hub opens

September 24, 2020

"We know that when people start to breach orders, it indicates high risk for women"

We responded to the June crime statistics data.

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here: 

Family violence rises in Greater Bendigo: June 2020 Crime Statistics Agency data

September 18, 2020

"Some of the things we're hearing about and seeing is an increased risk of family violence"

We partnered with Bendigo Community Health Services to create important messaging about family violence for refugee communities. Family violence affects all communities.

Watch more via WIN News Bendigo and read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Important messaging partnership

Centre for Non-Violence and Bendigo Community Health Services develop family violence resources

September 7, 2020

"We know that when people to start breach orders, it indicates high risk for women."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Family violence rises in Greater Bendigo

September 7, 2020

"We can support victim survivors ... to feel they're not alone."

Some of our team participated in the Run Against Violence, and you can find out more via WIN News Bendigo and the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Running to raise awareness

Central Victorian Centre for Non-Violence staff enter Run Against Violence virtual challenge

August 17, 2020

"We've been actively working to engage with men and understand their support needs, while continuing to assess the risk to women and children."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Funding boost as demand for family violence services grows

July 25, 2020

"Women who may have experienced controlling behaviours in the past, are now experiencing physical violence for the first time."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Central Victorian agencies report worsening family violence in COVID-19 pandemic

July 8, 2020

"We do have some concerns about the increasing number of men on our waiting list, and we are constantly looking at our response to that."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Centre for Non-Violence sees demand for men's behaviour change program continue to grow during COVID-19

June 16, 2020

"While we know all politicians are exposed to criticism, the nature of abuse directed at women leaders is more often gendered, personal and more violent. Language directed at women is different."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Central Victorian leaders back Minister for Women's misogyny stance

June 1, 2020

"The opportunity now exists to really hear from victim/survivors first-hand. To let them tell their story."

Watch more on WIN News Bendigo here:

New Domestic Violence inquiry WIN News

June 1, 2020

"Specialist women's services and peaks across the country have very clear views about what and how change needs to happen, and we welcome any opportunity to share our experiences and knowledge."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Central Victorian agency welcomes new parliamentary inquiry into domestic, family and sexual violence

May 21, 2020

"It was an opportunity to explore at systemic level the voices of women and children with lived experience."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Senate inquiry into family violence a 'missed opportunity' to make progress, central Victorian experts say

May 21, 2020

"Why are these things happening, how do they keep happening?"

Our CEO Margaret Augerinos spoke with WIN News Bendigo about the failure of a senate inquiry into family violence to address the terms of reference.

You can watch the segment, here:

WIN News Bendigo - senate inquiry

May 12, 2020

"Women overwhelmingly are the victims of family violence"

Our general manager of client services spoke with Keeshia and Tim  on Hit91.9FM radio about how Centre for Non-Violence can help victim/survivors of family violence - and how you can help someone who is experiencing violence or abuse.

You can listen, here:

You are not alone - radio interview

May 8, 2020

"Family violence is a national emergency, and the numbers the police quoted attest to that."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Centre for Non-Violence welcomes funding for family violence response during COVID-19

May 7, 2020

“The abuse hasn't stopped, but women's ability to reach out to make contact with support services is impacted."

Our CEO Margaret Augerinos spoke with Suzanne Donisthorpe on Castlemaine Main FM's Hear Say.  

You can listen, here:

Hear Say - Centre for Non-Violence

May 7, 2020

“We know it takes courage to seek help if you are living in fear."

Read more in the Riverine Herald, here:

You are not alone, domestic violence service says

May 4, 2020

"We want women to know we are here and they can talk to us about what is happening."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Worrying drop in calls prompts Centre for Non-Violence campaign: 'You are not alone'

May 4, 2020

"You are not alone."

Our CEO spoke spoke with Robbo at Gold Central Victoria.  You can listen, here:

You are not alone - Gold Central Victoria

April 22, 2020

"Anything we can do to reach those who are most vulnerable or at risk at this time, is positive."

Read more in the Bendigo Advertiser, here:

Central Victorian family violence services support increase in Victoria Police checks